Dear Editor: I am writing this letter for your Ladies Day section in the hope it may serve to enlighten other wives whose husbands like to dress as ladies now and then.
Both my husband and I had been married before and both ended in divorce. Mine because of a husband who beat me and his because of a wife who went with other men. Shortly after our marriage, my husband offered to wear some of my panties to assure me of his faithfulness. This sounded like a good idea as I am a bit on the jealous side. I then started buying 2 pairs of panties exactly alike when I shopped for myself. One day he saw a skirt while along with me and asked me to get it for him. I did and also got a blouse to match it. We then shopped for slip- pers with high heels. He finds these very comfortable and wears them every chance he gets. He now has a complet wardrobe of women's clothes and is happier when able to put them on and relax.
I think too many people have the mistaken idea that Vism is tied in with homosexuals. Nothing could be fur- ther from the truth. When my husband chooses men's cloth- ing for himself they are always very masculine and in the best taste. e would never go for these shirts with ruf- fles down the front, and bermuda shorts are out. My hus- band is all man, in every way and the idea of an affair with another man is very repulsive to him.
I think TVs make more considerate husbands. Mine helps me with the housework and never has been guilty of telling me how easy life is for women. He is most under- standing when I am not feeling up to par and seems to know even before I do that I need some time alone and is quick to arrange things to make it possible. I see some hus bands who have no feeling for their wives in this way and feel lucky to have the one I have, "Dresses and all."
I have been fortunate that my husband is interested